Step Ahead Daycare has been part of the Bay Ridge community for over 16 years. The name “Step Ahead” originates from the belief that in order to succeed, one needs to work towards their highest potential. This is accomplished by taking a “step at a time.” These early beginning steps develop in the Infants Room. The children continue to evolve as they step up into the Toddlers, 2’s, 3’s, and finally in the Pre-K. Pre-K is the end of their journey, preparing the children to move on to elementary school.
Step Ahead Daycare continues to be an integral part of the Bay Ridge community. Families past and present consider Step Ahead Daycare their home away from home.
Daycare offers an age-appropriate curriculum enriched with extra activities (music, dance, gym, languages, etc.) and significant time playing in a safe, equipped background.
We partner with multiple organizations to ensure high-quality service. Our work with DOHMH includes consultations to ensure that licensing requirements are met through ongoing inspections. We also work with the NYSOCFS, ACS, DOE (3K and Prek for All Program), etc.
Our mission is to provide a fun and safe learning experience that meets the needs of each child. Each student becomes a critical thinker, a lifelong learner, and a responsible, contributing citizen in an ever-changing global society. We focus on developing a multicultural perspective in education. The program is built based on five dimensions of multicultural education: content integration, the knowledge of the construction process, prejudice reduction, equity pedagogy, and empowering school culture and social structure. This includes referring to different ethnic and cultural groups, developing positive attitudes, providing equal educational opportunities, and creating an environment supportive of equity while implementing multicultural education in the curriculum, inclusive policy-making, and an integrated school climate.